Hi again. As I have already mentioned, my name is Lee Gordon, professional Voiceover Guy and broadcaster. But it turns out I am far from the only Lee Gordon. I'm not even the only Lee Gordon in radio or TV.
There are all sorts of Lee Gordons here in the USA as well as some in Australia, the UK, and other places around the world. Most of the Lee Gordons are real people but a few are fictional characters. One is a porn star (I'm not sure whether that makes him real or imaginary). Quite a few of the Lee Gordons are men but there are also some women. Many Lee Gordons are still among the living but, sadly, a few have passed on. So, if by some chance, I am not the Lee Gordon you were searching for, perhaps one of these is:
This Lee Gordon is a fellow broadcaster who enjoyed an unusually stable career. He was a weatherman on KRCG in Missouri for more than half a century, retiring on June 30, 2008. "Lee Gordon says farewell to Channel 13."
Here's another Lee Gordon who is a fellow broadcaster and voice over announcer. He's a sportscaster at WTEV and WAWS in Jacksonville, Florida. He is also a fairly prolific writer. Here is just one of many stories he has written, this one in Warchant.com from Florida State University. He also writes for RutgersFan.com (if you check the About Me page you'll see I spent a year at Rutgers).
This next Lee Gordon is not a broadcaster but he's the son of one. In fact, his dad Jerry Gordon spent a year at WPOP in Hartford, CT about a decade before I got there. Lee works at the world famous Amoeba Records in Hollywood. He's done college radio in the past but has been in retailing for a long time. He has a son Joe and a wife Staci, a special ed teacher at Fairfax High in L.A. Lee is a sports and music historian with an encylopedic knowledge of each. Until Joe was born Lee worked for the famous songwriter Diane Warren whose publishing company is across the street from Amoeba in the former RCA records building.
I am always typing my own name into internet search engines (there's a reason they call them "vanity searches") to discover more people to include on this page. Imagine my surprise when I found a picture of this Lee Gordon on the website of my old friend Dick Robinson. This Lee was Co-Chairman of the 2005 Palm Beach, Florida Heart Association fundraising auction. I suspect he and the Florida lawyer already appearing on this page (count down 18 listings) are one and the same.
This Lee Gordon was an I-T Manager
in Cambridge, Massachusetts but is now with Plum TV which serves vacation communities such as Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard.
This Lee Gordon is a journalist who writes for the Orion Online of Chico, California. I don't know of a website which features this Lee so this is a link to an article Lee wrote. It includes a contact link.
This is another Lee Gordon who is a print journalist, this time for The Guardian, the noted news organization (or, as they would say "organisation") in Great Britain. Again, this is not a direct connection to Lee but a link to a story written by Lee.
However, I have been informed that he is the same man mentioned and pictured in this article.
As seems to be the case with the other writers, this is not a link to a site about Lee Gordon, it's an article by Lee Gordon.
Here's another Lee Gordon in a creative field, a musican and recording artist in Great Britain.
There's yet another singing, guitar playing Lee Gordon, this time entertaining the folks in and around Northridge, California.
This Lee Gordon expresses creativity in a different way, as a professional photographer.
Another Lee Gordon with a connection to the world of creativity, this time as president of the Hawaii Academy of Performing Arts.
It's always fun to discover a Lee Gordon who expresses his creativity via the world of advertising. This one is a graphic artist and web designer who likes to be called the "Eggman." Goo-goo-ga-choob.
And here's another Lee Gordon involved in visual design. This graphic and website designer hails from Michigan.
This Lee Gordon is/was a member of a group called Prose-n-Poetry. Here's Lee's profile.
This Lee Gordon was a major concert promoter in Australia in the early days of rock 'n roll.
This Lee Gordon works with an organization called Hand in Hand There's a contact link to this Lee on that page.
This Lee Gordon is an oceanographer, a consultant, and the one who beat me and all the others to the domain name "leegordon.com".
This Lee Gordon is a physician in Colorado.
This Lee Gordon apparently sells hardware and other architectural metal products in North Carolina.
This Lee Gordon is a lawyer in Palm Beach, Florida.
Another Lee Gordon in the legal profession, this time an attorney in Austin, Texas.
Here's one of our relatively few female Lee Gordons (assuming the woman looking toward the camera is the subject of this picture), a real estate professional from San Francisco.
It's over to the British Isles where we find this Lee Gordon, a flanker on the Keighley Crusaders rugby team.
Here's a Lee Gordon who's both female and from the British Isles. She's a Scottish lass from Glasgow and she's a model -- or at least she looks like one.
One more athlete Lee Gordon from the UK. This one is a super middleweight boxer from Nottingham.
This Lee Gordon is a from an altogether different "UK," the University of Kentucky, where he is a member of the Interdisciplinary Human Development Institute Consumer Advisory Council.
This Lee Gordon is known as the "Minister of Music" at the First Baptist Chuch in West Point, Mississippi.
Also in Mississippi, this Lee Gordon is a student at "Ole Miss," the University of Mississippi.
Another Lee Gordon involved in church work, this time as the Coordinator of JBQ, the Junior Bible Quiz, at First Assembly of God in Lafayette, Indiana.
This Lee Gordon is co-chairman of Scholarship Chicago's Development Committee.
This Lee Gordon is an award-winning librarian in Nevada.
Here's another Lee Gordon from the world of academia, this time the Department of Geography at the State University of New York at Buffalo.
And this Lee Gordon is a vice president for student services at Perdue University, our second Lee Gordon from in and around Lafayette, Indiana.
This Lee Gordon was a race car driver in North Carolina, whose career was apparently not quite as illustrious as current Nascar stars Jeff Gordon or Robbie Gordon.
This Lee Gordon is a dealer of banknotes in Buffalo Grove, Illinois.
It's back to Kentucky for this Lee Gordon, a member of the Commission for Children with Special Health Care Needs.
Back across the pond we go, this time to Leeds in the UK, where this Lee Gordon sells clothing for dolls and small children.
Staying in the British Isles, this Lee Gordon would be over 100 years old were he still alive today but, alas, I'm pretty sure he isn't.
It's another foray into North Carolina where this Lee Gordon is a social studies teacher at Orange High School in Hillsborough.
Also south of the Mason-Dixon Line, we find this Lee Gordon with the Arkansas Business and Education Alliance.
Time to head down under where this Lee Gordon operates an upholstery business on the Gold Coast of Australia.
The ranks of the Lee Gordons include at least one war hero. Lee "Shorty" Gordon was apparently the first American to escape from a German prisoner of war camp in World War II. He died on November 17, 2006 at the age of 84.
This Lee Gordon graduated from high school in South Africa in 1992.
Now for that porn star Lee Gordon we mentioned. Well, perhaps "star" is too strong a description as this Lee doesn't exactly have a long filmography.
There also appears to have been a "legitimate" actor named Lee Gordon whose one and only TV credit is an appearance as a character named "Daggett" on one episode of Rawhide in 1959.
Here is our first fictional Lee Gordon, played by noted actor Harry Guardino in the 1969 television production The Lonely Profession.
You could call this a fictional Lee Gordon, because it is a character played by John McTiernan in the 1985 TV movie Shout! The Story of Johnny O'Keefe. However, the character being portrayed is the Australian concert promoter mentioned above.
And apparently there are a few more I have missed:
If you know of any Lee Gordons we have missed, please let us know.